Contact Details
It is important that the clubs are able to access the referee’s contact details on WTR in order to confirm a game, notify a changed kick off time etc.
Some newer referees’ mobile numbers don’t show up on the system.
Disclosure of contact details is under the control of each individual member of the Society – this is not something that we can do centrally.
Can you therefore please review the guide below from the WTR team, check your WTR profile, make any necessary changes to the page so that your contact details are available and save those changes.
The vast majority of Society members won’t have to take any action – this mostly applies to new members.
If there is some compelling personal or professional reason why you don’t want your contact details to be public, please discuss that with the Chairman.
Updating Contact Details
To remove hide all from your contact record and make your details available please follow the instructions below:
- Log in and go to your home screen
- Once in your home screen hover over your initials in the top left hand corner
This will show a sub menu, click on “My Profile”
- Once your profile page is opened, click on the “Edit” Icon (Please note you may only have one icon)
Once your contact record is opened in edit mode, untick the “Hide all” box
Once unticked , click on the save icon, your details will now be visible and no longer restricted to view by Society admins
Should you wish to hide individual parts of your contact details, before saving and after you untick hide all, scroll down your contact record and you have the option to hide individual elements of your contact details.
You may wish to hide your address and only show your email address and mobile number, the choice is yours.