Society Roles

Society RoleEmail AddressContact Name
President-Bill Ractliffe
Chair[email protected]Peter Brady
Secretary[email protected]Chris Scott
Treasurer[email protected]Peter Tuch
People's Member[email protected]Julia Holmes
Recruitment[email protected]Phil Russell
Head of Grading & Appointments[email protected]Jack Sutton
Appointments (Saturday)[email protected]Tony Leake
Appointments (Sunday & Midweek)[email protected]Kevin Charman
Who's The Ref[email protected]Tony Lynch
Training Manager[email protected]Rhys Morgan
Disciplinary Reports / Red Cards[email protected]Mike Skeels
Tom Jackman
Fitness[email protected]Peter Poulain
Kit[email protected]Nick Foster
RFU Rep-Peter Brady
RFRU Rep-Peter Brady
Eastern Counties Rep-Peter Brady
Membership[email protected]Peter Smith
Match Official Developers-John Asker
Peter Brady
Safeguarding[email protected]Peter Smith
IT & Website[email protected]Matthew Day
New Joiners[email protected]Peter Brady
Auditor-Jon McDonald