Competition Regulations

If you are aware of any rugby competition rules or regulations to include on this page, for the benefit of other referees, please send a link to them to [email protected]

Rules & Regulations

This page seeks to consolidate in one place the rules and regulations for community rugby competitions and leagues in Hertfordshire and the counties with whom it exchanges referees.

We hope this is useful for non-Herts rugby referees visiting Hertfordshire clubs and for Hertfordshire rugby referees on exchange.

RFU Adult Regulations

RFU Game Regulations apply unless a Regional Organising Committee issues regulations, or de-regulations for their regional or county leagues.

Regulations for RFU Leagues and Competitions in Hertfordshire

Links to the rules, regulations and de-regulations that apply to RFU league fixtures in the Hertfordshire region:

Regulations for RFU Leagues and Competitions in Midlands

Links to the rules, regulations and de-regulations that apply to RFU league fixtures in the Midlands region:

Regulations for RFU Leagues and Competitions in South West England
Regulations for RFU Leagues and Competitions in the North (RFU North)

Links to the rules, regulations and de-regulations that apply to RFU league fixtures in the North region:

Non-RFU Leagues

League Tables & Results