Post Match Reports

We are seeing a few reports appearing on WTR by mistake and confusing the disciplinary system. This note therefore clarifies which reports need to be completed after matches.

After a game, you will find the following icons appearing alongside your match details on the WTR Fixtures page :

RSR: This is the self-assessment report which all new referees are required to fill in for their first 5 games and which we encourage all referees to complete as part of their personal development plan.

HB: This is the Boundy card report which must be completed after every match. It rates the home club in terms of confirmation of the match, changing facilities, player and spectator behaviour, post match hospitality etc and informs our decision at the end of each season about who gets our Club of the Year trophy.

Red Card: Obviously, to be completed when you send a player off. Save your report as a draft and do not finalise it until a Red Card Report Officer has checked the report and told you to proceed.

Red Cross: This is the serious injury report form. You only need to complete this if there has been a serious injury to a player which necessitated an ambulance being called or the player otherwise being taken to hospital. Simply record what you saw and what you were told at the time. You do not need to check up on the player after the match. Again, save the report as a draft until Peter Tuch or Peter Brady have checked it and told you to proceed.

Angry shouting face: This is the Match Official Abuse form to be use where you have suffered abuse from a coach or spectator but have not issued a red card. As in the case of a red card, save your report as a draft and do not finalise it until a Red Card Report Officer has checked the report and told you to proceed.

If you hit one of the icons by mistake and start a draft report that you did not intend to, send our Disciplinary team a message and they will tidy things up.