Confirming Games

It is the home club’s responsibility to contact the referee by 21.00 on the Thursday before a Saturday or Sunday match to confirm that the game is on, to confirm the kick off time, to advise what changing and other facilities will be available and to clarify any issues about team colour clashes etc.

If you  haven’t had that confirmation by 21.00 on the Thursday in question, attempt to contact the home club, using the contact details registered on WTR. If there is no confirmation by 13.00 on Friday, notify the appointments team who will do their best to re-allocate you to another game.

If a game has to be cancelled or postponed after confirmation, it is the home club’s responsibility to notify the referee immediately and your responsibility to notify the appointments team.

For the avoidance of doubt, it is the referee’s responsibility to notify the Match Official Developer who has been allocated to the game about confirmation, changes etc.